Before someone starts a Hangliding or Paragliding course the best thing to do is to first have a Tandem Flight experience in order to know how the equipments work and the practicality of each category.
The course has both practical and theoretical methods. The student must study from a learners guide and he needs to take a written test at the Tandem Flight Association of Rio de Janeiro in order to get the permit. The practical part begins in the ground where the student start the Take off and Landing training. When the student shows complete mastery of the equipment in the ground he is ready to go to the second part of the training course which he will go to a 30 meters high hill where he’ll train the take off and landing. The course takes approximately from 1 to 6 months of training depending on the student’s skills and time available for practice.
During the course it is already included 2 ‘Tandem Flights Comando’ so that the student can get the first experience of piloting, gliding, air traffic and landing procedures.
The beginner’s equipment* can be acquired brand new or used ones. The prices can vary from U$1500 (used equipment) to U$3000 (new equipment).
*Flying equipment, Paragliding, selete (chair), emergency parachute and helmet. The new equipment can be paid in 8 times directly from the fabric.